Hasler Racing
The Hasler race series is the main club based race series in the National Marathon Calendar
.The season runs from 1st September to 31st August the following year.
Clubs compete and score points only in their own region (see the system below.) The Midlands Region Calendar has these races marked in Green. For many years Nottingham has come top in the Midlands series.
The top few clubs in the region qualify for the Hasler Final. which is one of the 3 important National events. In the Midlands, the best 9 results from 11 races count. (20/21 season only 9 races will run due to unforeseen event cancellations.)
Paddlers also need to qualify individually to compete at the Hasler Final by doing at least 3 races, but can do so at events in any region, or National Championships or international Assessment Races. Div 1 paddlers only need 2 qualifying races.
Entries should be made online for most Hasler races HERE. Some clubs accept entries on the day, but go to the online entry page to check. You will also find closing dates and fees there.
Good to know
Anyone who can comfortably sit a racing boat can enter whatever your level. The events include Divisional Races, "Geoff Sanders Trophy" Under 14 Races & sometimes "Mini K2" Doubles Races.
Age, gender and type of boat (canoe/kayak) make no difference as the system is based on your speed. However most clubs give prizes for different age/gender/boat if there are enough paddlers in one Division.
Races are over approximate 12 mile, 8 mile, 4 mile or 2.5km courses depending on divisional ranking.
Apart from club members in Divisions 7, 8 & 9, who have been registered as Associate Members of British Canoeing by the club, paddlers must be On the Water Members of BC. Alternatively Event Ticket (£5) may be used for a "taster" together with the race fee. These need to be arranged in advance.
Q Can I race in any region? A Yes but You only score points for NKC at Midland Haslers.
Q Can I do my own 3 qualifying races in any region? A Yes any Hasler race in any region.
Q Is the number of qualifying clubs always the same? A No. All regions have at least 2 qualifying clubs but it depends on the number of clubs competing in a region.
Q What about Promotions or Demotions? A If you get promoted more than one Division you cannot score points for NKC but it still counts towards your own qualifying races. Promotions or demotions of one Division don't affect points. (See chart left to work out your correct Division.)
Q Does it matter what type of boat I qualify in? A Yes. You need to do 3 qualifying races in a canoe if you want to race canoe at the Hasler Final. If you want to race K1 or C1 at the final you must do 3 qualifying races in your single. In doubles at the Final, you can do your qualifying races in doubles or singles or a combination.
Q If I've forgotten how many qualifying races I've done, can I find out? A Yes. Look at the Results between 1st September and 31st August. Just like your BC Membership, this is automatically checked by the system when you try to enter the Hasler Final.
Q How do I know if I'm in the correct Division A Ask your coach or do a Clifton Race or Round the Bridges then check the chart opposite. If you are just starting out, put yourself in the Division below what the chart suggests (unless it says Div 9.)
Q If I've already raced how do I find my current Division? A Go to https://canoeracing.org.uk/marathon/index.php/latest-marathon-ranking-list/ and click on the link.
Q Do I have to race in my ranked Division? A No you can race above your ranked Division, but you can't race below it.
Q Do races I did before promotion count for qualification? A Yes but you must enter the Hasler Final in the Division you are ranked at the end of the season. (It's checked automatically when you enter.)
Q If I get a D? at a race do I have to take the demotion? A No that's up to you.
Q Is a D? notice at a race automatically applied. A No you have to ask your team leader to apply to the Regional Marathon Advisor for it to be made if you want to take the demotion.
Q How do I take a demotion if I get one offered? A Your Team Leader has to apply to the Regional Marathon Advisor(RMA) for you to take it.
Q Can I do any race on the calendar to qualify? A Any Hasler race between 1st September and 31st August of the following year counts. (e.g. 1st Sept 21 - 31st Aug 22 counts for the Hasler Final in autumn 2022.)
Q Can I count National Championships as qualifying events. A Yes, but you can only count 1 of them if you do multiple events. You cannot include the Hasler Final from the previous season even though it will have taken place in the current season.