Marathon Canoeing
Marathon Canoeing is a fun, but challenging, endurance sport, that happens across the country on rivers, lakes and canals. It offers progressive challenges from a couple of miles or kilometres to the ultimate challenge of the 125-mile Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race. As you learn more boat handling skills, it becomes tactically as well as physically challenging, with boats racing in groups and contesting sprint finishes.
Over 70 regional or national events were held across the country in 2017, with over 12,000 race entries. In our flagship competitions, the inter-club Hasler Finals, the National Marathon Championships and National Short Course Championships, over 1,000 racers vie for honours across age and ability classes. Races are organised typically every weekend between March and October and a few over the winter too. All the competitive events are shown on the Flatwater Racing Calendar.
The racing system in the UK is based on ability divisions, so you can learn as you race against people of similar speed to you. As you progress, you’ll get promoted to higher divisions and ultimately face some of the best paddlers in the world and country.
Racing boats are surprisingly accessible. Beginner boats are very stable and steer easily, with most races on calm inland rivers and canals. Top end boats are long, thin, and tippy as they are built for speed. This gives the sport the speed of running with the tactics of road race cycling.
Nottingham Kayak Club is one of the most successful marathon race clubs in the country. A variety of organised and peer led training groups operate all year round
During the year a variety of races both within the 'Haslar' divisional system and 'one off' races are available and attended by club members.
There are rarely less than 2 race training groups a day operating from the club. Training groups, especially in the faster divisions often have personalised programmes however a weekly generic programme including sessions for club members ranked Division 1 - 9 is available on the Training Page.
Website for Marathon Racing UK
Website for Marathon Racing UK
Online Race Entry
Online entry for all UK marathon races
Race Results
Results from all UK races