John Handyside
11 Mar 2023
Important Information about internal work on the changing rooms
There will be work carried out in the Ladies Changing Room from Sunday 19th through Monday 20th March. This will be in the area that has been a storage area more than anything else upon to now and is going to be an additional showering area with changing etc. There won’t be any disruption to the main changing and shower areas except in the entrance way from time to time.
Following on from this, the Men’s Shower are will be closed for use from Sunday 26th March through Tuesday 28th March
This is to replace the tiling on the wall behind the showers as it is beginning to fall away from the wall behind. The showers will not be usable during this period
Should there be a need for anyone using this changing area, there is an alternative Shower/Changing/Toilet area in the main clubroom adjacent to the Fire Exit
Many thanks for your co-operation.
We are striving to get this and other renovation projects all completed before the Club Hasler Race on 30th April
Anyone at at loose end and can assist, please feel free to volunteer for these and other jobs coming up soon