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New Safety Officer

Mark Blatchly

11 Nov 2023

Nigel Jones appointed as Safety Officer

Message from John Handyside - Chair

Nigel Jones has kindly agreed to take on the role of club safety officer.

With the support of the committee Nigel will be responsible for ensuring that the Safety Rules relating to Club Members are being adhered to both at the club and at other venues where Club representation is involved.

Club members are reminded though, that personal safety and the safety of others is very much down to themselves and that everyone has ‘A Duty of Care’ to those involved around them. It is not the role of the Safety Officer to continually chase people, but to ensure the rules and guidelines are in place, accessible and being followed.

Anyone organising activities must ensure that a Risk Assessment is in place and is current and valid. Any new activities or locations must have a Risk Assessment written and submitted to the Safety Officer prior to the activity commencing. Risk Assessments must be reviewed if there is any change in the activity arising and also at least annually.

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