John Handyside
13 Mar 2023
Improved parking arrangements at weekends
I have managed to negotiate extra parking on Saturday and Sunday Mornings in the Nottingham Forest Car Park nearest to the club.
The dates we have this facility are:
18/19 March
25/26 March
2nd April
16th April
22/23 April
29 April
Further dates will be added when football fixture days are confirmed
There will be no access to the car park on Match days
This is being done on a trail basis, so we must ensure we conform to the requirements
The Car Park gate will be opened early in the morning and car parking will be allowed until 13:00 when all vehicles must have been removed.
Parking must be sensible and due consideration shown to other users. The concession is open to the rowers as well and has not been negotiated exclusively to us.
Additionally cars parked outside the gates must not be parked in such a way that vehicles are prevented from accessing or exiting the parking area.
Hopefully this will alleviate the problems we are experiencing currently.
Any questions, please ask